Here are a few tips for practicing saying the time in English:
Start with the basics: Begin by learning how to say the hours and minutes in English. For example, "one o'clock" is "one," "two o'clock" is "two," and so on. For minutes, "fifteen" is "fifteen," "thirty" is "thirty," and so on.
Practice using "a.m." and "p.m.": In English, "a.m." stands for "ante meridiem," which means "before noon," and "p.m." stands for "post meridiem," which means "after noon." Practice using these abbreviations to indicate whether the time is in the morning or the afternoon.
Use "half past" to indicate 30 minutes past the hour: To indicate 30 minutes past the hour, you can use the phrase "half past," followed by the hour. For example, "half past two" is "2:30," and "half past eight" is "8:30."
Use "quarter to" or "quarter past" to indicate 15 minutes past or before the hour: To indicate 15 minutes past or before the hour, you can use the phrases "quarter to" or "quarter past," followed by the hour. For example, "quarter to three" is "2:45," and "quarter past nine" is "9:15."
Practice with a clock or timer: To help you get a feel for telling time in English, try practicing with a clock or timer. Set the time to different hours and minutes and practice saying the time out loud.
Remember to practice consistently and seek out opportunities to use your time-telling skills in real-life situations to help you improve your accuracy and fluency.